Two of the leaders of the richest people in the world rankings, sure: to achieve something in life, you must read the book. Business Insider опубликовал их совместный список книг, both of which are regularly guru Recommended reading.
During the CES 2018 Honda company intends to show off the new robots of the 3E Series, that is created for people. At CES 2018 компания Honda раскрыла некоторые секреты о своих роботах
Although Google Glass glasses do not get popular, there are still companies, who believe, that virtual reality can bring tangible business benefits. Epson, который разрабатывает проект
Cyberwar lasts - it cannot be denied. It is regulated by its own rights and requires other tools for struggle and defense. One of the most vulnerable states to attacks is the United States.
Robots with artificial intelligence will have guessed, that the person feels and what will be his next move. Роботы которые будут нас понимать Если роботы с искусственным интеллектом станут когда-нибудь