Artificial Intelligence will be able to express and understand human emotions

Robots with artificial intelligence will have guessed, that the person feels and what will be his next move.

Ученые научат роботов выражать и понимать человеческие эмоции

Robots that will understand us

If robots artificial intelligence станут когда-нибудь нашими друзьями то должны не только быть полезным, but also to predict human behavior and needs, and appropriately respond to them. Question: how to teach? Scientists from Stanford University say that the answer is found.

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Scientists thought "who better to teach robots to understand humans, than the people themselves?"And they went it this way. They used human works - fiction. Robots with artificial intelligence Read Now 600 thousand stories, written 500 thousands of authors, which gives a total of 1,8 billion words, describe everyday human activities and Feel.

What for? To this assistant might guess, he feels or what he wants to do his master.

Little stories born more stories

"Although we think of history in terms of dramatic or unusual events, often fill them as information about routine actions - that, how we behave and how to react to the, that surrounds us. Characters in modern stories include lamps, when they enter a room, улыбаются, when they hear a compliment and do not respond to phone calls, when they are in meetings ".

According to scientists from Stanford University, the novel is a mine of information on the topic “human behavior” - a source of knowledge about, how we conduct our lives. Because, although in my head we have only the most important event, it leads to a lot of small actions.

huge potential

After the first stage of the experiment failed to reach the 71 percent effective predicting the next movement of the user.


In fact, the whole process here is to build learning algorithms and artificial intelligence by. On the basis of the read history, he finds a common denominator, and on this basis to build a policy of "stimulus-response". All this in order, that in the future robots could successfully accompany human life.

Scientists want to continue my experiment. It should be added, that they are not alone. Facebook last week released almost 2 GB stories in favor of the technology of artificial intelligence. purpose: the same. Read more about the actual news artificial intelligence here.

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  1. Bogdan

    Неужели никто не понимает какой жопой это может обернуться. Сотни фильмов и книжек фантастов рассказывают об этом, и к сожалению это уже не фантастика а реальность. Роботы могут учиться сами, к чему это может привести думаю и так ясно.
