10 books by Gates and Zuckerberg, that everybody should read

Two of the leaders of the richest people in the world rankings, sure: to achieve something in life, you must read the book. Business Insider опубликовал их совместный список книг, both of which are regularly guru Recommended reading.


This is the story Pixar, written by one of the founders of the giant computer animator. Catmull shares wisdom and talks about management and entrepreneurship, as well as claims, that any company should consciously avoid all sorts of things, which can be an obstacle to the realization of creative ways employees.

"I like to learn first-hand, how people create excellent company, such as Pixar, and introduce innovation and creativity ", – писал Цукерберг.


"GIN: Intimate story "Siddhartha Mukherjee

The science of the genome can hardly be considered the main object of interest of the masses, но Гейтс говорит, that Mukherjee was able to grasp its relevance to people's daily lives. He seeks to answer the big questions, relating to our personalities and that, what makes us ourselves.

"Mukherjee wrote this book for the general public, because he knows, that the new genome technologies are on the verge, Togo, to affect all of us in different ways ", – заявил Гейтс. Мукерджи – это тот, кого Гейтс называет «четверной угрозой» – он практикующий врач, teacher, researcher and author.

"Better angels of our nature" Steven Pinker

Zuckerberg admits, this 800-page book, written by Harvard psychologist looks scary. However, it is written in easy. Zuckerberg believes, that the study of Pinker, as a percentage over time of violence in the world has decreased, despite the increase in the 24-hour news cycle and the emergence of social networks. Gates also said that one of the most important of those, that he had ever read, as the book gives hope to change the world for the better.


Венкатеш – профессором социологии Колумбийского университета, who participated in a radical sociological experiment, and for this came into Chicago gang in the 1990s. Zuckerberg says, Venkatesh history inspires dialogue through economic and cultural barriers.

"The more people have a voice, to share our problems, the more we empathize with each other and the more we respect each other's rights ", – писал Цукерберг.


Мы не всегда были единственным видом человека на Земле – примерно 100 000 лет назад их было шесть, but survived only homo sapiens. How it happened?

"And Melinda, I read this book, and this resulted in a lot of great conversations at our dining table, – сказал Гейтс. – Харари берет на себя сложную задачу: tell the whole story of the human race just 400 pages ". But the author does not dwell on the past. He looks to the future, in which genetic engineering and artificial intelligence make our definition of "man" even more blurred. "I would recommend to all Sapiens, anyone interested in the history and future of our species ", – добавил Гейтс.



co-founder of Nike, He released the first insider book about the world-famous brand. Gates called the book "a refreshingly honest reminder" about, that the road to success is never a straight line, but tortuous path is replete with differences and mutual insults.

"I met with to find a few times over the years, – сказал Гейтс. – Он ужасно милый, but also quiet and not so easy to learn, what's on his mind. Knight is revealed here so, how ready to open only a few leaders ".

"Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas C. KUNA

Thanks to look at the evolution of science and its impact on the modern world of the book became "one of the most cited academic books of all time", according Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Zuckerberg believes, that awareness, as scientific breakthroughs become catalysts for social progress, It may be "force, working for the public good ". Kuhn's book is known, that introduces the term "paradigm shift", there are examples in the scientific history, when the prospect was significantly shifted, eg, When quantum physics was replaced Newtonian mechanics.


"String theory," David Foster Wallace

Not, it's not about the scientific theory of strings. The book is a collection of essays Wallace, причем все они вращаются вокруг одной темы – теннис. This is a favorite game of the late author. Gates says, he was trying to return to the sport after, some small business professional (eg, the launch of one of the largest technology companies in the world and becoming a famous philanthropist) prevented. "You do not need to play or watch tennis, to love this book, – сказал Гейтс. – Уоллес владел ручкой так же искусно, Roger Federer owns a tennis racket ".


The book was first published in 2012 year and provides an overview of 15 years of research at MIT economist Daron Atsemoglu and political scientist from Harvard, James Robinson.

The authors argue, that "producing governments' use controls, to provide power to the elected, and "inclusive government" create open markets, that allow citizens to freely spend and invest. They also say, that economic growth does not necessarily indicate a long-term health of the country.

"Three-body problem" SIKSINA BJ

"Three-body problem" was first published in China 2008 year, a recent English translation won the "Hugo 2015" as the best science fiction novel. The action takes place during the Cultural Revolution, Mao Zedong begins, when an alien race decides to invade Earth after, Chinese government secretly sends a signal to space. Zuckerberg called the book a "fun" and making it possible to escape from the more severe intellectual Fiction.

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