Are singles lonely people?

Who they are actually singles? Мы привыкли думать о синглах как об одиноких людях, living without a partner, and most likely disadvantaged. But what do we really know about them and their lives? Являются ли слова “single” and “alone” in fact synonymous?


Word “loneliness” It has a negative connotation and is associated with a state of sadness and abandonment. When we hear about someone, что является одиноким то инстинктивно начинаем ему сочувствовать. А ведь синглы вовсе не являются такими людьми!

singles unite

This is a fairly large social group, is pleased to integrate and create their own clubs and associations. Singles often used dating sites, such as С удовольствием познают новые вещи и не исключают изменения своего статуса.

singles: what does it mean?

Слово „сингл” используется в нашем обществе уже много лет, but only recently has officially appeared in dictionaries. It means a person, who lives alone and does not have a steady partner of their choice, or, rarely, by any reason.

Singles live themselves often because so decided. Сознательно не выбрали серьезные отношения, or have not met the right person, therefore choose to live alone. Sometimes even just do not feel ready to, to create a family. However, this does not mean, they are lonely people.

no partner, but my friends have

People loners are those, who do not have a partner, but also often family. В основном им не хватает и друзей – они могут рассчитывать только на себя, живя как правило в стороне от общества. This state of affairs for most of them are quite easy and often it is the result of the case and no alternative.

Синглы же часто являются очень общительными людьми, who love to be in the center of events. The lack of partners they compensate many friends, with whom they spend their time and share their interests. "Loneliness" is a single thing relative - such a person can, paradoxically, spending more time in the company, than people in relationships.

Around the world held many special events and meetings organized only for singles. Participants have the opportunity to expand his circle of friends, and sometimes even to meet its second half. Firstly, singles are often people open, and with positive energy, поэтому слово „одинокие” совершенно им не подходит!

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