Windows 10 again changing user settings yourself

Microsoft wants to encourage the pirates to change with the legal Windows 10For several days on a Windows computer 10 and turn on Automatic Updates set to set KB3135173. Theoretically it improves the anomalies detected. Unfortunately, мешает в пользовательских настройках. briefly: replace the default applications on your - the default browser is becoming Microsoft Edge, and all multimedia files can be opened in the built-in applications.

Even a one-time replacement could endure. Installing the update causes, but, inability to repair this situation. Replacement of standard applications is not possible, even after installing your favorite programs are reset.

see also: Should I install Windows 10?


A company representative said Microsoft, it was not a planned action, and the error.

- "We understand, that some of our users are faced with the problem. We are working on a solution ".

Well, at least, It can be assumed, that is another controversial decision Microsoft from "we know better, what is good for you " :) .

what can you do, To cope with this problem? In fact, until he intervenes Microsoft, this little. there is, true, two possibilities, but none of them is not recommended.

  • The first is the removal of the package KB3135173 (here, but, along with the problem, we can get rid of critical updates).
  • Second - intervention in the register.

And you, вы установили уже на „десятку”? And if so, what are your feelings? We recommend to visit our section Зона windows10


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  1. миша

    Windows 10 делает больше, чем Microsoft хочет, сам скачивается, устанавливается, заменяет программы. Что еще нас ждет ?

  2. czorcik

    They say, что это ошибка, а я говорю, что это тест.

  3. Они256

    on 10240 ничего не заменяет, probably, this “улучшение” versions 10586 ;/

  4. Григорий654

    установил обновление KB3135173 от 10 February, и у меня не было изменения программ по умолчанию
