Operating system installation, laptop drivers and software

operating system (OS for short) is the most important program, installed on the computer, which controls the operation of other applications and equipment. It provides an environment for processes and services to run., as well as the file system, required for data management, stored on non-volatile media. The most popular operating systems are Windows, Unix Linux and MacOS.

When to Install an Operating System?

In most cases, the computer is sold with an operating system preinstalled.. So no need to worry about installation. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule.. One of them is to buy a computer without an operating system installed.. This is especially true for inexpensive laptops.. Refusal of expensive licensed software is one of the main methods to reduce costs, used by manufacturers. Therefore, you need to install the OS yourself.

Sometimes it can happen like this, what, regardless of operating system, would be wise to reinstall it.. This applies, eg, situations, when you are not satisfied with the functionality of the current operating system. A classic example is migrating from an old version to a newer one. (eg, с Windows 10 на Windows 11) or to a system from a completely different family (eg, from Windows to Linux or vice versa). Another indication for reinstalling the system is infection with certain types of malware.. Rootkits can integrate so deeply into the kernel, that the only way to remove them is to replace the infected OS with a new one.

It is important to note, that it is not always necessary to reinstall the operating system. Sometimes you need to completely clean your computer from viruses., cleaning of garbage and unnecessary programs, to make it work much faster.

After installing the driver, codecs and personalization

Luckily, times, when a freshly installed system required many hours of setup to work properly, left in the distant past. Today, non-standard philosophy has triumphed in the world of computer science. Following her, leading operating system manufacturers strive to provide the user with a complete working environment. However, we are often not satisfied with the performance of a newly installed system. The most common failures are hardware support issues. (no sound and internet), as well as difficulties with media playback.

The remedy for such problems is to install additional software in the form of drivers and codecs.. Just as often, many are not satisfied with the software package, supplied with the system. In those days, when Internet Explorer was the default browser on Windows, many users started working with their computers, downloading an alternative browser.

Where to order a PC and laptop setup?

Company it-services.com.ua offers comprehensive assistance in the field of installation and configuration of the operating system. By using their services, you can be sure, that you will get a fully functional and secure personal computer.

  • System boots up with errors, preventing programs from running?
  • Your computer freezes for no reason or won't boot?
  • Some programs refuse to work?
  • Your computer is slow and misbehaving, like before?
  • Are you afraid, that he could have "caught" a virus or spyware?

Probably, operating system is not stable. A few minor bugs in the software are enough, to seriously hinder the use of the computer, and the apps didn't work properly. In some cases, errors in the operating system prevent the laptop from starting or result in data loss.. Do not wait, while this happens to your computer - bring it to “IT Service” for professional diagnostics and repair.

Computer service deals with all kinds of problems with the operating system, from serious failures (requiring system reinstallation), to small actions, allowing you to clean it from unnecessary files and increase the efficiency and speed of work. As part of the service, the necessary updates and programs are also installed.. Works with most popular systems (Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, Linux). We carry out diagnostics and evaluation of services for free.

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