Methods masking IP-address

The article is dedicated to the safety of the web, in it we present ways of hiding the IP-addresses, eg, using proxy servers.

Internet and anonymity

The Internet is not anonymous place. Computer and network equipment are connected to each other, they need to know their position in the network and a way to access individual network segments, that, in fact, defined IP-based addresses. In other words, each data packet, transmitted over networks, should contain in its header IP-address of the sender and the recipient - as well as an envelope with a letter, send by mail.

Engineers developed the Internet did not think at all in any way about his anonymity, since at that time it did not need to. The creators Arpanetu - military predecessor of the Internet, which is the technology we use today - not even supposed, the network can be used for civilian purposes and to develop in its current form. However, Today there is a need to maintain the anonymity, and we are talking here not about the use of illegal software or materials infringing, and about their own safety.

Hiding IP-addresses

The impetus for the development of methods to ensure the anonymity of the network began to fear the Internet user data based on the collection of their network activity through government organizations (in particular, it's about the freedom to preach views without being in danger) and through various types of companies, dealing with marketing. Recent use the collected information to effectively offer their products.

It is understood, that on the Internet there is no absolute anonymity. About tom, that after a while you can track fugitives, evidence emerging from time to time information about the capture of a hacker or group of hackers, who spent, eg, attacks on some sites. Traces of online activity remains quite a lot, even the best hacker will sooner or later make a mistake that would allow it to track.

a sense of anonymity the Internet provides, Firstly, massive proliferation of the. If we do not break the law deliberately, hard enough among the hundreds of millions of Internet users to find us special, as the police, and companies that are interested in our preferences.

Proxy server - a simple way to hide your network

Let's go back to the methods of concealment and mashing a trail on the Internet. Just I want to note, we do not have the slightest intention to portray this as a place to hide in the management of the Network to commit an offense - it was not our goal. We just want to provide information about the technology to ensure anonymity and the method of action from a technical point of view.

The easiest way to stay anonymous on the net – hide your IP-address, Of course not literally, but so, to exchange information passes through the proxy server, IP-address of which will be visible instead of our. For this purpose, proxy servers are used from, which problem, as the name implies, mediation in the communication between the user's computer and other computers on the network.

Work proxy is, the user transmits via the software, eg, through a web browser or FTP-client, all kinds of tasks, consisting, in particular, to download data from a web page or file from the FTP-server. Proxy server handles the client's behalf to the target server and mediates in the provision of data from the server.

Proxies were created, to serve as a network cache. This server stores (caches) during a certain time of the page, users who visit. When the computer requests a page, which is already loaded in the proxy server, the server sends this page, instead of, to download it again from the original site. The use of proxy servers speeds up access to the most frequently downloaded web content. Time to wait for a web page to load or download streaming data from a nearby proxy server, considerably shorter, than the original server.

The primary purpose of a proxy server was quickly supplemented with additional functions. It can be used to record information, associated with the use of the Internet and block access to pages or individual services. On the other hand, It can also be used to hide the computer's IP-addresses, in which we operate - anominayzer server.

server anominajzer – This proxy server, additional job is to hide the IP-address of the user's machine, as well as removing some of the elements enabling the identification of the user, including cache or identifiers used by the browser, as well as it can encrypt the connection. Masking IP address via the proxy servers is very relevant in the case of hiding the original user IP-address, who wants, eg, go beyond the limitations of certain sites.

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