Facebook employees can get access to the account of any user

Facebook employees can get access to the account of any userThis is despite the scandal, that erupted recently and has been associated with leakage of personal data of millions of social network users. According to The Wall Street Journal, a small group of Facebook employees is still an opportunity to explore the secret user accounts.

otherwise talk, an ordinary user of a social network is actually not insured against surveillance by Facebook employees. In the social sphere the situation when an employee enters the account of another of its employees, the owner immediately receives an alert account, being followed. Based on this, journalists known American publications rightly point to double standards, that prevail in Facebook.

The existence of such standards in the social network is not explained, but we tried to explain, why surveillance is possible in principle. Facebook employee, received permission from his superiors, could fall into the ordinary user account. This occurs only in the event, if there is a substantiated suspicion, that the user is abusing opportunities sotsialki. And such an abuse may harm other members of the community.

The Facebook tried to assure, that all cases of abuse by staff immediately punished. For their recognition, the company already had several such examples, when, due to unjustified spying on users of Facebook employees dismissed minutely.

Is it easier to us, users of social sphere, from this? Hardly…

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