Own hosting or free blog?

You, probably, repeatedly wondered, is it worth investing in your own hosting or using a free site. Both methods have their pros and cons.. Each, who has blogging experience, gaining own convictions, to which he belongs. Although I am personally a big opponent of free blogging, считаю что лучше подобрать недорогой хостинг, but still, I will try to present you both ways objectively, which you can follow.

free or paid hosting what to choose

Free blogs have broken the internet

By "free blogging" I mean all sites, who offer to create a blog for free. The very concept of free blogging was good and had a noble purpose.. The problem has arisen, when bad people started using free blogs as the basis for pseudo positioning. Since no hosting, no domain costs anything, you can create an account for free, load multiple pages of content, and then thematically link your own pages, which you want to promote.

If you do not know, what I'm talking about, imagine it from the other side. Of course, you stumbled upon a page with no order or composition, almost empty, without any meaningful information. Often the page content looks like randomly drawn words. This is the effect, which I wrote about.

I have never been a supporter of unfair competition, and this is how I perceive this phenomenon. This resembles a slightly weaker version of the calendar., and since we have free calendars, blogging and positioning tools don't make sense to me.

Teens are another threat to free blogging. They create hundreds of blogs, containing on average 1-2 recording, and then leave them forever. There are really very few good and useful blogs on free sites.. Because computers aren't perfect, у дяди Google часто возникают проблемы с отделением грязи от ценного контента, что приводит к потоплению в нашем собственном мусоре.

Объективные соображения за и против.

In the previous paragraph, I wrote, why i associate free blogging only with evil. Now I will try to present specific arguments for and the disadvantage of both solutions..

  1. Самая ценная часть блогаэто его домен. Мы продвигаем этот домен в течение многих лет, этот домен поднимается выше в поисковой системе. Этот домен запомнился нашими постоянными читателями. Вы можете управлять и даже продавать свой собственный домен. Благодаря созданию бесплатного блога у нас нет ни одного домена. After years of editing posts, we still don't own the blog, but only those records, who are on it.
  2. Usually when choosing free blogs we don't have access to the source code. Some sites gracefully allow you to edit HTML and CSS code online., but the possibilities are still very small. Simply put, having a free blog, no new scripts can be loaded, we cannot create or order a template. We are doomed, what the owner of the service will offer us. The functionality of such services is really low.
  3. Blogs with country code domains are easier to position, than subdomains. Using a free blog, you understand, that everything grows slower, than could. When making money from ads, it is very important to post and match them to the page. Using a free blog, we are limited to placing advertisements only on the menu. Besides, we have no way to change their appearance. The only plus – no commission, but if you want to do something seriously, you must take into account the costs. No profit without cost.

Some people see free services as a test, they manage to blog or fail. After a year they say, that they are doing well, and they need their own hosting with their own script and unique template. Unfortunately, a year of work is lost and cannot be recovered. Records are also lost, because copying them can lead to a ban of duplicate content.

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