Charges on the German Autobahn - we learned the details

Немцы вводят плату за проезд по автобанам. Первые сборы начнут изымать через девятнадцать месяцев, namely from October 2020 of the year. How much is will cost us travel?

Charges on the German Autobahn - we learned the details

It should begin with, that in Germany, talks about the introduction of tolls on motorways have been conducted for more 14 years old. The shift in this direction took place in 2015 year, when the German government approved the introduction of fees for travel on high-speed routes.

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Objections in this regard expressed not only by residents of Germany, but also the neighboring countries, who are accustomed to free comfortable roads. In the end, all German citizens will also ride for free, withdraw the fee will be from other countries resident.

How will be charged? Maximum comfort for drivers. Earlier it was planned introduction of electronic tickets, but this idea was abandoned, as too expensive and problematic for drivers. In the end, we stopped on stickers for windshield.

How much will cost foreigners travel on German motorways since October 2020 of the year? The sum has not yet been cleared, будут зависеть от уровня выбросов СО2 и типа двигателя. It is assumed the introduction of three tickets:

  • annual – from 67 to 130 euro;
  • two months – from 7 to 50 euro;
  • ten-day – from 2,5 to 25 euro.

Most will have to pay the owners of cars with diesel engine, least of all with the new hybrid.

Contrary to popular belief, these tags are not predatory, Considering, that there are in the whole of Germany 13 thousand km of motorways. What do you think, fair to the introduction of tolls on the German Autobahn for foreigners? Answers please leave in comments.

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