The most popular and important esports games in 2022 year

The most popular and important esports games in 2022 yearCan you make millions of dollars, being a gamer? Yes, but only the best of the best have a chance. We have selected five of the most popular esports games and will tell you, what is the gameplay and what do you need to do, for a chance to become a professional esportsman. Here are the five most popular esports games!

League of Legends

League of Legends, undoubtedly, most famous esports game, popular in Ukraine, as among the players, as well as betters gg bet mirror. The game is played by two teams of five people.. Each player chooses a character, and then rushes into battle. During the game he earns gold, killing enemy and neutral minions, as well as fighting champions, controlled by enemy players. The aim of the game is simple – destroy the enemy Nexus, ie. main building in the center of the base.

The game is completely free, and its creators, i.e. Riot Games, earn mostly on skins, changing the appearance of the characters. The impatient can also unlock champions for money - most of them are not available at launch. The biggest esports tournament - League of Legends World Championship. AT 2021 the participating teams won a total of 2,25 million dollars.

Dota 2

Dota 2 - popular MOBA game, which is the biggest competition for League of Legends. The rules of the game are very similar - two teams of five people choose heroes and fight each other, and their goal is to destroy the ancient enemy. The differences are mainly in the gameplay itself., which is harder, but also more dynamic.

Dota 2 also offers esports a much higher prize pool. The largest tournament in the game The International 2021 collected a total prize fund of 40 millions of dollars. Yes, no typo here - forty million dollars. And these events take place every year.!

Counter Strike: global offensive

Counter Strike: Global Offensive is second only to Dota 2 eSports game, released by Valve. This time it's a tactical shooter. The game is played by two groups of five players., which are divided into terrorists and counter-terrorists. The goal is to capture one of the two locations, then plant a bomb and detonate. On the other hand, anti-terrorists are trying to prevent it, and in case of failure, defuse the bomb.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive is renowned for its dedicated community and numerous esports tournaments. Each year there are two majors with a prize pool of one million dollars..


The esports market is largely a competition between Valve and Riot Games. The last company created and released Valorant, tactical shooter, reminiscent of CS:GO. Differences are significant, both in terms of graphics, and gameplay. Valorant is more extensive, and it's very important to choose the right one of the dozen or so characters with their own unique skills.

The game was released in 2020 year, so Valorant esports has a shorter history, than other games, but she is very popular. At the VALORANT Champions World Championship 2022 the total prize fund amounted to about a million dollars.

Hearthstone от Blizzard Games

Among the most popular esports card games there are many popular titles, but only one king: Hearthstone от Blizzard Games. Before the start of the game, players prepare decks from their unique cards, and then fight each other, pre-selecting a suitable hero. The game continues until, until one of the players loses all hit points.

It is one of the few popular esports games, where the gameplay is individual, not command. В Hearthstone World Championship 2021 the prize fund was 500 000 dollars. At first sight, That's not a lot, but remember, that the amount of winnings does not have to be divided by five people in the team.

We reviewed five of the most popular esports games, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more lesser known productions., and although they usually do not boast such impressive prize pools, like the above titles, in time everything can change.

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