Case Shiftcam 2.0 for iPhone with twelve lenses. Review and reviews

New Photo accessories for iPhone smartphones transforms them into digital cameras, where users can choose from many additional focal lengths. lenses Shiftcam 2.0 It is available in two variants – Basic and Pro. Case Shiftcam 2.0 for iPhone with twelve lenses. Review and reviewsThe idea of ​​more than one lens on the back of the smartphone was originally considered to be extravagant, especially after the bad results in the case of 3D-cameras, but finally, It was implemented. In a growing number of smart phones began to appear two lenses on the rear panel. Manufacturers strategy may be different – Some consider the second chamber as a complement to the first, thereby trying to improve the quality of shooting in low light, and in the second embodiment, the lens sees an alternative to optical zoom, which has not yet been implemented in a satisfactory manner.

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optical zoom – Do we have it on your phone?

Many manufacturers are equipping their smart phones with two or even three lenses provide the user with different optical focal lengths. Thus they have implemented the minimum and maximum field of view, but what happens in between is the digital zoom, even if the effects are less satisfactory.

Optical zoom on your phone – an old idea

Yes, the idea of ​​using the optical zoom on a smartphone is not new. She was even implemented in Samsung Zoom Series, which unfortunately did not gain popularity. The fact is that to accommodate the zoom space is required in the housing, which ultimately leads to its thickening and a substantial increase in the weight of the phone. A smartphone is known to be mobile, that is lightweight and compact.

These photos can be removed with the help of Samsung Galaxy K Zoom

If not two, not three, how many?

Are users satisfied with the three lens? Or perhaps they need a solution like Light L16? Last camera (rather than a smartphone) It was designed for mobile shooting, and equipped 16 lenses. Finally, smartphone – It is not only a digital camera, and its interior – no bag wizard. Три объектива уже много, but 16 especially.

As a result, manufacturers have realized the problem with zoom in another way. Возможно идея с фотоаксессуарами будет ими реализована, which will lead to a decline in prices last.

Zeiss Exolens – Flagship of interchangeable lenses for iPhone

Meanwhile, manufacturers of exterior accessories offer a variety of solutions, которые улучшают оптику смартфона. In this product segment is particularly interesting range of accessories for the iPhone, which is designed for new Shiftcam 2.0.

Shiftcam 2.0

Shiftcam 2.0 It is a panel, which is put on the back cover of the smartphone, in it are found 6 overhead lenses as standard and Pro version. With the latest iPhone owner will be able to feel like a professional photographer.

The basic version Shiftcam 2.0 с линзами для различных iPhone Профессиональные линзы Shiftcam 2.0

Shiftcam 2.0 The basic version includes miniature lenses, providing effects such as fish-eye, with extra-angle and close-up (there is also one for the front camera). The Pro version offers similar opportunities, but the lenses are larger and better optical design. Both versions are available for the iPhone smartphone 7/8 and for iPhone 7+, 8+ and X.

Shiftcam 2.0 – It represents the evolution of a product like Revolcam. Today the company is the developer announced the start of pre-orders. The basic version will cost 49 dollars, while the Pro version will cost 347 dollars.

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