Solution standby problems through the use of electronic queue system

The problem of long wait in the queue was successfully solved by the use of electronic queue system, significantly reduce the time to wait times and increase employee productivity.

Electronic Queue - a programmable visitor sequence management system, promoting the normalization process and the working efficiency of maintenance. It can be applied in any field of servicing a large number of people - from ticketing and public institutions to the bank or health care facility.

The basic principles of operation of the electronic queuing:

  • Select the required line in the self-service terminal, Registration and ticket to the name of the institution, serial number, queue name and date of registration;
  • Control of the line advance in the waiting area with the help of an information board, Displays the number of current coupon and operatora.videootobrazhenie number on the display can be accompanied by a voice message;
  • Call and visitor services specialist.

Also effective queue management, the system carries out the statistical calculations and monitoring of staff performance. Statistical data contribute to the performance of the operators, while making the process work in a transparent and eliminating the possibility of corruption. Based on the collected statistical data, можно определить количество обслуженных клиентов, the waiting time of each visitor and his time of service provider, эффективность рабочего процесса специалиста и др.

Using the system electronic turn on QLogic дает ряд несомненных преимуществ:

  • Reduces time customer expectations;
  • Guarantees mandatory reception of visitors;
  • It increases the effectiveness of labor;
  • Increases the speed of service;
  • It minimizes the possibility of disputes;
  • Normalizes the work environment;
  • Eliminates fraud in customer service;
  • It allows you to register at the reception using the Internet;
  • Collects statistics and marketing data to increase productivity workflow.

Using the electronic queue system can not only effectively optimize your visitors' service process, but also to attract new, thereby increasing the rating of the company to the public. More information about the system of electronic queue can be found here.

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