Pass a polygraph for treason in Kyiv: what for, how and where?

You love and trust your partner, but sometimes you think, that he is acting strange. He often stays late at work, does not answer calls and messages, avoids physical contact and becomes colder towards you. you start to suspect, that he is deceiving you and has an affair on the side. How to know the truth? How to check the fidelity of a partner and not destroy the relationship? One of the methods – pass a polygraph for treason in Kyiv. Pass a polygraph for treason in Kyiv

What is a polygraph and how does it work?

Polygraph – this is a device, which registers a person's physiological responses to questions asked. By changes in breathing, pulse, blood pressure and perspiration, the printer can determine, a person is lying or telling the truth. A polygraph test can be an effective way to test a partner's fidelity and restore trust..

The polygraph can determine the lie or the truth with high accuracy., if the test is conducted by a professional printer and all conditions are met.

How is the polygraph test?

The polygraph test goes like this::

  1. Training: Before the test, the printer conducts a conversation with the client and clarifies the purpose of the test, conditions and possible consequences. He also explains how the polygraph works and the rules for answering questions.. The client signs the consent to the test and fills out a questionnaire about his health and psychological state.
  2. Accession: The printer attaches electrodes and sensors to the client, which will register his physiological reactions. He checks the performance of the equipment and sets a comfortable level for the client..
  3. trial test: The printer asks the client a few simple questions, to which he must answer true or false. This is to ensure, to determine the normal level of responses of the client and compare it with the level of responses to substantive questions. The trial test also helps the client get used to the process and relieve tension..
  4. Main test: The printer asks the client questions on the merits, related to the purpose of the test. Questions can be of different types.: are common, control, relevant and neutral. General questions relate to the personal data of the client and his relationship with the partner. Security questions suggest a false response from the client and are used for comparison with relevant questions. Relevant questions concern the problem itself, eg, betrayal or suspicion. Neutral questions are not related to the topic and serve to relax the client. Questions are asked several times in a different order, to get a reliable result.
  5. Analysis: The printer analyzes the received data and concludes that, the client lied or told the truth to relevant questions. He can also give recommendations on the next steps for the client..

Why take a polygraph for treason in Kyiv?

Passing a polygraph for treason in Kyiv can be useful for those, who faces the problem of distrust in a relationship. This can be caused by various reasons, eg:

  1. Partner's behavior changed and became suspicious
  2. Partner admitted to cheating or was caught cheating
  3. Partner accuses you of cheating for no reason
  4. Do you doubt your loyalty?
  5. You want to confirm your love and devotion to your partner

This method can help you:

  1. Find out the truth about your partner and their feelings for you
  2. Dispel doubts and suspicions
  3. Restore trust and harmony in relationships
  4. Make a decision about the future of your union
  5. Avoid unnecessary scandals and conflicts

Where to pass a polygraph for treason in Kyiv?

If you decide to take a polygraph for treason in Kyiv, then you can contact the Moment of Truth company. This is one of the best printing research companies in Ukraine.. She offers:

  1. Qualified and experienced printers, who have certificates and licenses
  2. foiling, which meets international standards
  3. Confidentiality and anonymity of all clients
  4. Individual approach and flexible working hours
  5. Affordable prices and various payment methods
  6. Guaranteed quality and reliability of results

You can contact Moment of Truth by calling, email or website On the site you can also learn more about the polygraph, read customer reviews and watch test case videos.


Pass a polygraph for treason in Kyiv – this is a decisive step for those, who wants to know the truth about their partner and their relationship. Polygraph – it is an effective tool, which can help you test your partner's fidelity, dispel doubts and restore trust. If you want to pass a polygraph for treason in Kyiv, then we recommend that you contact the Moment of Truth company, which offers professional services for printing research. You won't regret your choice!

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