Defining prism
- prism - a versatile volumetric figure, which consists of two identical flat polygons (foundations), located in two parallel planes, and other facets (side faces) – parallelograms, with common sides of these polygons.
- Fundamentals prism – two faces, which is equal parallel flat polygons (ABCEF, GMNJK).
- Side faces of the prism – all other facets except the basics.
- The side surface of the prism – collection of all side edges of the prism.
- The surface of the prism – a combination of two bases surfaces and side surfaces.
- Side edge prism – common side two side edges.
- Height – is perpendicular, connecting the two bases of the prism at right angles.
- Diagonal prism bases – this segment, connecting two adjacent peaks not, belonging to the same base.
- Diagonal prism side faces – this segment, connecting the two opposing top, lying on one side face but belong to different bases.
- Diagonal prism (AN) – this segment, connecting two vertices, lying on different bases but do not lie on one side.
- diagonal intersection – This intersection prism plane, passing through a prism diagonal bases and side edge. Wedge (at the base of the prism, triangles) has diagonal sections.
- section perpendicular – This intersection prism plane, side edges intersecting at right angle prism.
- Direct prism – this prism, in which all side faces perpendicular to the base. Height is the length of the side edges.
- kidnapped prism – this prism, whose side faces perpendicular to the base.
- Right prism – this prism, which is a regular polygon bases. Right prism can be both direct, so inclined.
- Usіchena prism – this prism, in which two bases are not parallel (Livestock. 2). Truncated prism can be both direct, so inclined.
Читайте також: Correct triangular prism: specifications, formulas, sweeps
prism formulas
volume prism
formula. volume prisms through the footprint and height:V = SAHFH
formula. volume inclined prism perpendicular section through the area and the length of side edge:V = SPL
formula. Volume straight right prism through height (h), length parties (a) and the number of parties (n):
The surface area of a prism
formula. Lateral surface area prism through perimeter base and height:Sb = P·h
formula.The surface area of a prism through a footprint, the perimeter of the base and height:S = 2SAHF + P·h
formula.The surface area of a prism through height (h), length parties (a) and the number of parties (n):
formula. The area right triangular prism consists of two footprint areas and three lateral faces (Livestock. lower) Sпризмы= 2·Sосн+ 3·Sбіч.

Substituting here formula for the area of a rectangle and equilateral triangle area formula and get:
Basic properties prism
- Fundamentals prism – level polygons.
- Side faces of the prism – parallelograms.
- The side edges of the prism parallel and equal to each other.
- Perpendicular cross section perpendicular to all side edges and side edges.
- The height of the straight prism is the length of side edge.
- The height of the inclined prism is always less than the length ribs.
- In direct prism faces can be straight or square.
“Right prism can be both direct, so inclined”. Як це? У піручниках написано, що правильня це пряма призма, в основі якої лежить правильний многокутник.
Напевно похила призма в основі якої лежить правильний многокутник і буде правильною