Advantages and disadvantages of ultrabook Apple MacBook Air

Apple MacBook Air-is one of the first Ultrabooks, that saw the light. Since all equipment, так и продукт с надкушенным яблоком имеет свои недостатки и преимущества. Let's check them.Apple MacBook Air general view

The first line of laptop Apple MacBook Air was introduced to the world in January 2008 of the year. Steve Jobs introduced the notebook, which was designed, to join, first of all, mobility and performance. Computers Apple MacBook Air series is available in two size versions: 11 and 13 inches. The laptop is often criticized for too high a price in relation to other, competing products with similar, and sometimes even the best configuration. The first release airah offered optional SSD. Therefore, instead of a hard disk 80 GB SSD can be purchased in volume 64 GB. Today Air SSD is available with a volume of at least 128 GB. Interestingly, processor Core 2 Duo is the first product Apple, It was designed, that he 60% less, than the standard model.

Apple MacBook Air – laptop has many advantages

MacBook Air comes specially designed for him macOS system. This is the main advantage of Apple products, because we get the product and are ideally suitable operating system. Due to this, even the old Apple computers are working properly, without any delay, and applications, installed on this equipment, They work all the time with no complaints.

Another advantage of the Macbook Air is its compact size. Reduced species is equipped with 11-inch screen and weighs 1.08 kg, and sizes 1,7 x 29,95 x 19,2 cm. Version with 13-inch matrix weighs 1,35 kg, but its size – 1,7 x 32,5 x 22,7 cm. slim body, made of solid aluminum design was the benchmark for other vendors ultrabooks.

I was able to use a few laptops, so he could compare the various touchpad. Were more or less accurate. But when I started using the Macbook Air, it felt great convenience to use the trackpad. Yes, really, Only in the case of Apple did not have to use an extra mouse. All gestures work perfectly, very accurate.

Another advantage of the macbook is very capacious battery. Yes, really, This computer can run all day without having to connect to the electricity network. In practice, even for heavy use can not be time to defuse Apple notebook

Also worth noting, as the MacBook Air, Like other Apple products, do not lose so quickly in price as other Ultrabooks. Thereby, true, We spent a lot of money at the start when buying a laptop, but, in the end, the sale of the computer, we do not lose such a large amount as the resale of other manufacturers. In Ukraine, this prestigious Macbook equipment, hence the high cost of even a second-hand models.

MacBook Air is not without flaws

Many compare the price of this model with the price of competitive ultrabooks with similar parameters, but I think, so that should not be done. First of all, thanks to the individually prepared operating system, which is optimized for the components inside the enclosure.

Unfortunately, people, who want to change the settings notebook, disperse it, сталкиваются с немалые проблемами. First of all, RAM is soldered, поэтому при покупке стоит сразу выбрать необходимую ее емкость. not otherwise, in the case of disc. true, it can be replaced, but it is not so easy, in the case of equipment with windose. must be, first of all, select the appropriate drive model and use specialized software to install the system.

Returning to the system, I praised above, We should also remember, you have to get used to it. It looks much different, than in the case of a competitor product - Microsoft. It looks different file system, other applications. Yes, really, for the first time by running "Mac" you have to learn everything from scratch.

Apple MacBook Air is equipped with a matrix, which supports a resolution of Full HD. Unfortunately, the maximum native resolution 1440 x 900 pixels. true, for daily work, such as office applications or browsing the web pages it does not matter. The problem arises, when you want to see a photo or video with a resolution of 1920 x 1080.

Gamers can also have problems with your favorite games. First of all, in the Macbook Air, we are dealing with the Intel HD Graphics graphics card 6000, which uses the RAM installed on your Mac. On the MacBook Air really is suitable mainly for, possibly, Multimedia playback on the external screen. Another problem is the small number of available games.


Apple MacBook Air, as well as all equipment, It has both disadvantages, and benefits. First of all, I think, it is excellent equipment for those, who works mainly with office applications, It requires a very good battery life and does not want to, that equipment quickly lost its value and… performance. Definitely one thing is clear: Macbook Air or love, or hate.

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