Most services in the Ukrainian hosting

If you decide to open their own office network, it is a matter of choice hosting service will certainly become one of the priorities, you'll need to decide. Ordering a particular hosting service, you get a place on the web server, where all the files will be stored on your site, and he will be available to users of the World Wide Web at any time of day or night.

Among the most popular Ukrainian hosting services can provide virtual hosting (shared-hosting), Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS), dedicated server (dedicated server) and placing the server in the data center or colocation. Each of these services has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, Well choices are the best option depends on your specific needs. Owners of small projects may well be sufficient resources and capacity shared hosting, but large companies have more appropriate VDS or dedicated server, and why.

To begin with shared hosting. The essence of this service has slightly opened from the title shared-hosting (from English. share – share, be shared). All files of your website will be placed on a server, which also stores and other resources, that your project will live next to other. Price and ease of management – one of the main advantages of this type of hosting. However, since the division of resources of physical machines (memory, disk space, etc.), the effect of "bad neighborhood" of this service will be very significant. If the project next to your having problems with malicious scripts or highly increased traffic, it will suffer from this and other sites on the server. Regarding the use of, they often choose this service new to internet business, is not particularly popular projects, do not require a lot of resources.

VDS – hosting, combining physical server capabilities, but at an affordable price. With virtualization a physical server is divided into multiple virtual, receiving its resources and will work independently. With VDS you will have root-access, ie administrator. You can add and delete files on your own, install or delete programs, which, In your opinion, you do not need. In general, virtual machine will give you more freedom in action, than shared-hosting. Also remember, with VDS administration borne by the customer, so before ordering the service consider, who will deal with the case.

Dedicated server – service, which server resources and opportunities are in your hands, and you will be free in his administration. No separation medium, Complete control, security, high rates of speed and uptime – all features of dedicated server. This option is great hosting projects with high traffic or special requirements to hardware.

Regarding colocation, then this is the service server, not only buyer leased it to a hosting provider, and places its data center at the site of. In this specialized server room will ensure your safety, the optimal temperature conditions, uninterrupted power supply and monitoring of its work. Colocation is a good solution for corporate clients and owners of content projects.


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