Poles en masse to buy the rights in Ukraine

Many Poles can not imagine life without a driver's license. They lose them because of their slowness, and then can not restore, since it is not able to retake the exam. It turns out, что в этом случае можно „без проблем” obtain the documents in Ukraine.

Poles en masse to buy the rights in Ukraine

According to many reviews on the internet driving license obtained in Ukraine Poles without problems can be exchanged for Polish without the need to pass exams. Moreover, в сети таких предложений целая куча. Во многих случаях даже не нужно ехать к нам в страну, everything can be done via the Internet.

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Due to the journalistic investigation, it became clear, that in the history to give the Ukrainian rights it is primarily about money. One of the Polish journalists decided to use the services of one of the offices represented on the Internet. It revealed, that in the right category B issued in Crimea 2014 year must be paid 1 thousand. euro. New rights to be delivered by mail in about two weeks. The company offers such a service claims, all completely legal, but despite this there is a minus, they do not change in the Polish rights.

Второй способ оказался уже дороже и требует приезда в Украину. В этом случае поляки получают водительские права образца 2018 of the year, а также подтверждение об окончании курсов. Такие „документы” already can be easily replaced in Poland "their”. In this case, they cost over 3 thousand euros.

Polish journalists, who conducted the investigation found, that among the buyers of such rights and there are representatives of the Polish government, as well as leaders of the Polish branches of international corporations.


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