Polish student was expelled from the country for having burned the national coat of arms of Ukraine

According to the Ukrainian special services, 19-year-old Pole took down restaurant in Ternopil Emblem of Ukraine, после чего сжег его в камине. Все зарегистрировала камера видеонаблюдения. В результате студент получил запрет на въезд на территорию Украины сроком на три года.

Polish student was expelled from the country for having burned the national coat of arms of Ukraine

The press service of the SBU claims that the expulsion of the Polish student was forced countries with different points of view. In the first act of humiliating the national honor and dignity of Ukrainians, secondly it leads to racial hatred. Based on these considerations, and fearing for the safety of the young man SBU expelled offender from the country for up to three years.

According to the statement of the SBU student has not received allegations, but only the deportation of three years, as the emblem burning had no crime.

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