Pokemon GO on smartphones 1,5 миллиона Украинцев

In July alone, at about 1,2 million Ukrainians have installed the game Pokemon Go.

It has not even happened release of the game Pokemon GO in Ukraine, а игра уже успела вызвать к себе огромную симпатию среди наших земляков.Более того они часто используют bracelets of pokemon to facilitate the game.

from the study, conducted by Spicy Mobile should, that the application Pokemon GO It has got to 1,5 Millions of Ukrainians smartphones. In this case, it refers to the fact that the application to run for a month on average 189 ie every time 7,5 hours.

Только одна игра пользовалась в Украине большим спросом в июле – это приложение Поу, which allowed to care for a pet. It played 9,89 percent of smartphone users with Android.

Who is the average player? People aged 15 to 24 years old (64,6 percent). In other age groups statistics as follows: 25-34 (21,5 percent.), 35-44 (10,8 percent), and 44+ (3,1 percent). Statistics in the floor plan shows the following alignment: 51,46 percent are men, but 48,54 percent of women.

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