Overview good laptop ASUS R556LB-XO154H

ASUS R556LB-XO153H laptop is good value for money and opportunities. It contains powerful ingredients (including the Intel Core i7 processor), through which easily cope with most tasks and ensure smooth operation of the most frequently used programs and applications.

Asus R556LB-XO154H

In it you will find even a single graphics card Nvidia Geforce GT940M. High quality workmanship and attractive design make it a really interesting proposition.. ASUS R556LB got into Top 10 Notebook 2015 of the year.


Model:ASUS R556LB-XO153H
operating system:Windows 8.1
CPU:Intel Core i7-5500U
video card:nVidia GeForce 940M
Display (diagonal):15,6 inches
Weight:2.30 kg
(H / W / ch)
382 x 256 x 25.8 mm
Display (resolution):1366×768 px
Display (technology):JK
CPU (Number of Cores) :2 core
CPU (frequency):2.4 GHz
Touch screen:Not
connectors :Headphone, -Reader, D-Sub, RJ-45, 1x HDMI, Webcam, 1x USB 2.0, 2x USB 3.0
Wireless connection:Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
keyboard type:ordinary
optical drive:DVD-ROM
screen type:dull (non-glare)

Price range from 14 350 to 18 630 UAH.

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