Christmas gifts for motorist

Choosing a Christmas gift for the car enthusiast, it would seem that, easy task. After all, they are countless in different price categories. But this wealth of proposals does so, it's hard to choose just one thing. Here is a list of very interesting Christmas gifts, are sure to please every motorist.

Set of automotive tools

Husband, brother, father, son or just a friend to spend hours in the garage for the repair and modification of the vehicle? Or maybe you do like to work in the garage with his car? In this case, you need high quality tools for the workshop. the keys, screwdriver or set of pliers will always be a great Christmas present. An even better idea is to, ready to buy toolboxes famous brands , such as:

  • YATO ;
  • TOPTI;
  • Facom;
  • King Roy…

But if a friend, husband, brother, father, son work in the workshop or are engaged in tuning engines, then countersink set for them is a gift that will cause quite a surprise.

set of tools for free

Electronic Measuring Instruments

Developing the idea of ​​the instrument as a Christmas gift for the car enthusiast you want to select electronic meters. The meter is useful for the diagnosis of electrical faults, will know the battery status or the generator. A great gift for the car enthusiast, which often change cars, станет толщиномер. Это небольшое устройство определяет толщину лака и грунтовки автомобиля.

Прибор для измерения толщины краски


Are you looking for a small gift for the motorist? Приятной мелочью, which will not hurt your budget, является брелок для ключей от автомобиля . Самый популярный выбор – metal key chains with your favorite brand of car, однако вы можете попробовать более изобретательные решения. Выберите брелок со скрытыми инструментами (eg, Beer Opener, screwdriver, a flashlight and a knife) или брелок с функцией поиска ключей. Ведь хорошо известно, they lost it was then, when they are most needed.

The panel on the windshield? Why not

Want to make cars more modern? Просто подключите автомобильный проектор HUD к порту OBD2, to display on the windshield is not only a speedometer, but the tachometer, fluid temperature gauge, указатель уровня топлива и многое другое. Дисплей HUB позволяет не отрывать взгляд от дороги, therefore driving safer, especially in winter, in difficult road conditions.

There are many gift ideas for fans of road transport, but most importantly remember, you need to hit the person to whom you want to make a gift. Use the above ideas and choose the best gift.



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