Laser Hair Removal – advantages

Laser hair removal is the most modern in the hair removal market. After laser hair removal you are left with a smooth body forever. Laser Hair Removal Cost bikini low compared with cyclic repetitions of hair removal procedures in other ways. A plus, you can forget about a painful hair removal using wax or depilatory. Effect of laser hair removal in particular will be pleased the people, who after depilation wax arise irritation and inflammation of the skin follicular.
It has a safety and quality certificate issued by the US Administration of the Food and Drug Administration FDA, as well as certificates of relevant European institutions, including a Tom ISO 9001.



How much should you spend procedures, to completely remove the hair from the bikini area and underarms?

To completely get rid of unwanted hair are usually needed 3-5 procedures. The need for repetition of the procedure depends on the hair growth cycle. Not all hair is growing at the same time. To eliminate only those hairs, which are at the growth phase. Hair, dormant, так называемые „спящие луковицы” не поглощают дозы излучения и отрастают позже.


Consequently, to destroy all the hair, required procedures series with an interval of 4-12 weeks. Usually, They do not grow after the first treatment for about 30% hair. Patients having gray, red and bright blond hair are not happy with the effect,, because the laser only works on dark hair.

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