Laser Hair Removal – You Need to Know?

Laser Hair Removal Hair removal women always tried to engage. But if earlier, in most cases it was the mechanical removal, in the twentieth century there were special depilatory creams, dissolve the hair and electrolysis method, destroys the hair follicles. but, both of these methods the women criticized: Chemical hair removal gets rid of hair for a few days (less than a week, they begin to sprout again), and electric hair removal is quite painful.

In recent years, there was a revolution in the field of hair removal. There was a laser hair removal, Reviews women, who first tried this method, They were just enthusiastic. The principle of laser hair removal is that: It is present in the hair melanin pigment, which gives color. The more melanin in the hair, the more it is dark. Laser radiation with a certain wavelength is absorbed by melanin, resulting in the hair bulb is heated and destroyed. Order service laser hair removal in Kiev It can be in the clinic so Goravsky: +38 044 220 47 17.

Need to mark, the lasers used today are only effective for dark hair with lots of melanin. Blond and gray hair melanin contain virtually no, so laser hair removal is not effective enough to remove them.

Many women believe, that once visiting laser hair removal session, they will get rid of hair permanently. This is not true. known, that not all of the hair follicles on the body at the same time working; to forty percent of the bulbs can be located in the "sleep" mode,. In such a laser does not act bulbs. In the moment, when the bulb "wake up" and generate hair, it can also be treated with the laser and remove the bulb. Sometimes the full destruction of the hair on the body is required up to two years

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