Who would have thought – производитель объективов Tamron разрабатывает суперчуствительную матрицу

Светочувствительная матрица Tamron, может записывать изображения, are not able to see the human eye.

Tamron is a well-known brand users of system cameras, especially the mirror. This Japanese manufacturer is developing lenses for the most popular devices on the market – Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Sony, Olympus. But not only the optics is in the interests of the Tamron engineers. The company is working on hypersensitive matrix, which is many times higher than that of the human eye.

Sensitive cameras are already present on the market, but the company believes Tamron, that in the case of the camera managed to get extremely high quality image. In theory, this sounds very promising, because a solid increase in sensitivity is always associated with the strong deterioration of image quality.

camera sensitivity

Approval of the company are one thing, the other being the proof of the superiority of the matrix. Производитель решил показать работу на практике при освещении на уровне 0,003 лк, that is, when almost nightly shooting conditions. It is worth noting that when shooting using the same flash unit, which is present on budget cameras, that is very weak. so, ниже с левой стороны сделан снимок обычной а с права с особой матрицей от Tamron.

Noise reduction and dynamic range

Matrix использует разработанную Tamron авторскую технологию цифрового шумоподавления. Система также позволяет делать изображения с очень большим диапазоном тонов. Dynamic range can reach up to 140 db (the brightest object can be 10 million times brighter, than the dark).

That's all for now, what we know about the idea of ​​Tamron. As is usually the case, This project takes a lot of time. Но когда такие матрицы выйдут в продажу, photo and video shooting will take to the next level.

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