Space Mission to Mercury – it is worth to know about it

morning 20 October 2018 of the year, probe BepiColombo went to a seven-year journey to Mercury. The purpose of the mission – to provide data, which will help us answer the question of the origin of planets, Mercury.

Flight of mercury

20 October 2018 years in 3.45 from the Baikonur rocket was launched in French Guyana Ariane 5. One of the many rocket launches this year, but one of those, что очень дорог и дает надежду. I hope, we make the Mercury open their secrets, show us your face and even more, than during the Mariner missions 10 и Messenger.

One of the problems, We faced by engineers when creating the probe BepiColombo, bit like the, with which developers sometimes face effective, but small computers – with efficient cooling but to solve it, as well as many other problems could.

let's consider, почему BepiColombo, named in honor of Giuseppe Colombo (Italian mathematician and engineer), It achieves its goal in seven years (for the mobile industry, What is all reluctant to write, It is an epoch). Но не будем критиковать проект, because these days, says our compatriot Max Polyakov, руководитель частной аэрокосмической компании Firefly Aerospace, «спешить медленно» – best way to travel within the solar system.

gravity assist – an economical way to travel

We live at a time, when space exploration is no longer just a dream, but we have not grown, that “swallow” him, как километры на шоссе. Научные астрофизические проекты – it does not work, which can always count on unlimited financial resources, and missile capabilities, которые используются для отправки исследовательских зондов. Огромные затраты – this is just one of the problems, с которыми столкнулся BepiColombo. Besides, costs associated with the biggest problem – Sun combating gravity

In the same time, let us remember, чем прославился Джузеппе Коломбо. Его математические знания и инженерный опыт помогли ему разработать теорию гравитационного манёвра, which is widely used for flights to other planets. Гравитационный маневр позволяет использовать гравитацию планет для изменения скорости и направления полета зонда. В межпланетных поездках необходимо огромное количество топлива. Благодаря помощи гравитации можно значительно снизить энергозатраты.


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