Competitors Chevrolet Volt from Nissan

One of the most advanced hybrid vehicles today is the Chevrolet Volt. This model is sold in many countries and has managed to find its niche, though the cost of the car is high enough. But there are, who are willing to pay for it. In Nissan decided, you need to release this model worthy competitor.


So far not reported any exact details. rumored, it will be a completely new model. It is said, Nissan is now in a lot of hybrids "in stock", therefore quite interesting, that engineers come up and present this manufacturer.

The main competitor Nissan - model of Chevrolet Volt, can drive about 675 kilometers when fully charged battery and tank filled. The new hybrid from Nissan to be better than these parameters. To achieve this will be easy, because the electric "Volta" provides all 80 kilometers. Enough to make him go on with the stock 100-120 km and already can "beat" the main enemy.

Hybrid cars even today is pretty practical solution, A plus to this cause less damage to the environment, which may surprise advocates for clean air, flora and fauna.

The only way to somehow contribute to electric cars without investing serious amounts - buy a hybrid. This is when the inside of the car is a petrol, and an electric motor. So you can be sure, in any case, be able to refuel. Example, during the week when traveling for work and home can charge an electric motor in his garage. When you go somewhere far away - will hope to have the "classic" petrol.

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