Company Rhea-Auto, the official dealer of Mazda in Russia

Company Ria-Auto was founded in 2000 year. engaged in the sale and service of Mazda brand vehicles from the very beginning of its existence. were executed 16 лет со времени ее открытия, and the people who created it continues to work for it. The success lies in a good team of highly skilled with many years of experience, it is a friendly mood and act in accordance with customer expectations.


Многолетнее присутствие в структурах компании Mazda и высокий стандарт бизнеса это гарантия достойного представления марки в России. Познакомьтесь с автосалоном мазда лично и вы поймете что высокий уровень сервиса не должен быть связан с высокими ценами. Managers are experts in the, what they do. They won a lot of innovative solutions, to optimize the cost of repairs.

Managers are known for their professionalism, skills to solve complex problems and flexibility in work. Customers sometimes overcome hundreds of kilometers, to ask for help to them, with their questions do not remain.


The action in the Ria Motor-Car will run until 31 yanavrya 2016 of the year

Thinking of buying a car brand Mazda, and we have not yet decided which model is suitable for you? Now, in addition to reliable cars, official dealer offers exceptionally favorable action.

The first is connected with the car loans at low interest rates, Total 4,5 %. The second event with the exchange of the old car on a new one paying. No matter what kind of benefits the stock you use, you will still remain in positive territory.

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