How to cope with pain and stiffness in the joints?

Not true, the pain only elderly people are concerned in the joints. maybe, when it was so. But now more and more often the first signs of pain occur in young people in the joints. They are the start signal osteoarthritis. The pain is sometimes so great, that it interferes with the normal functioning of, how to get rid of it?

joint pain

How to deal with the pain in the joints?

ointments, gels, creams

If the pain is small, It is often sufficient to use the gel, antiinflammatory ointment or for Artideks joints cream. They facilitate pain, improves joint mobility. When choosing a medication, always check, if he has a warming or cooling properties. Some help heat, other cold. Besides, for warming agents should not be used in acute inflammation (swollen joints and warm), because they will exacerbate the pain.

Analgesics for pain in the joints

In the free market or over the counter there is a lot of drugs for pain relief. You can buy them not only in pharmacies, but in some stores and newsstands. But this "abundance" is only misleading, because many of these drugs differ only in name.

In the production of painkillers, especially those that are sold without a prescription, Only a few substances used. Some only act as painkillers, others reduce inflammation and, to a certain degree, relieve pain. Only some of these substances combined with analgesics anti-inflammatory properties.

choosing medicine, you should not be guided by his name, check, which substance it is its main ingredient. With this you can choose the most suitable drug. note, it is essential to avoid overdose, it can cause additional health problems.

Only relieve pain in the joints

Such preparations contain two substances:

  • paracetamol. It blocks the only "feel" the pain. However, it does not eliminate the cause, because it does not possess anti-inflammatory properties, and joint pain is almost always associated with the presence of inflammation. That's why the analgesic effect of paracetamol is short-lived and not very strong. but, This substance is considered to be low-toxic and, Consequently, relatively safe. But you still need to take some precautions. for example, you should not take acetaminophen during weight loss. An appropriate amount of food protects the liver, which is particularly necessary when high doses of the drug.
  • Metamizol. It belongs to the most powerful painkillers. It also has low anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. In the case of joint pain, Consequently, it is more effective, than paracetamol, but less secure. Especially during long-term use. Can cause changes in the bone marrow. Preparations with metamizole should not be taken by pregnant women because of the increased risk of complications and damage to the developing fetus.

Drugs that not only relieve pain, but inflammation

Most painkillers without a prescription with such properties belong to the group of so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NPVP). The mechanism of action based on inhibition of a particular enzyme (Splendor), which is involved in the formation of inflammation. These preparations may contain the following substances:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid (known as aspirin ). It operates mainly as an anti-inflammatory, which also leads to pain relief. Acetylsalicylic acid also has side effects, With prolonged use is the cause of gastrointestinal bleeding. It refers to acidic drugs and can damage the lining of the stomach and even his cell. With special care to make preparations with acetylsalicylic acid should people suffering from peptic ulcer, as well as diabetics.
  • ibuprofen. In addition to its strong anti-inflammatory effect, it also has analgesic properties. It blocks the production of prostaglandins in the body – matter, responsible for the aging of inflammatory processes.
  • naproxen. Its effect depends on the dose, it refers to substances antirheumatic.
  • Diclofenac. It has a small analgesic effect, but strong anti-inflammatory, so it can effectively remove the discomfort in the joints.

note! Drugs with ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, also reduce the swelling of the joints, improve their mobility. They are also more "friendly" to the gastrointestinal tract, than aspirin.

Natural support for joints

If synthetic anti-inflammatory agents and analgesics used for a long time (in the case of violations of the joints, this is often necessary), they are bad for the stomach, may affect the liver, kidneys, and even apply them serious damage. Such side effects have been detected in plant preparations. They, of course, slower, than synthetic drugs, – to feel a definite improvement, you have to take them for a long time. However, in the case of joint diseases is very useful. Two of these herbal medicines deserve special attention.

  • Litocin. This is an extract of wild roses (Rosehip). It contains a substance – galactolipid GOPO, which inhibits the formation of compounds, responsible for the formation of inflammation. The drug reduces the swelling and stiffness of the joints, improves their mobility, effectively reduces pain.
  • Zinaksin. It contains an extract of ginger rhizomes, which blocks the formation of compounds responsible for the formation of inflammation and pain. And also stimulates the regeneration of articular cartilage, reduces swelling of joints, relieves pain. Zinaxin Rebuild (adding glucosamine) also available in pharmacies.

Drugs that restore cartilage

There are a lot of them. But, as in the case of painkillers, They differ mainly in the name of, specified by the manufacturer. All contain glucosamine, enriched some additional substances, for example chondroitin. These drugs do not exert an analgesic or anti-inflammatory action. their task – stimulate cartilage restoration. Due to this they can improve joint mobility, reduce pain. But they need to take at least 6-8 weeks.

What is glucosamine?

Our body produces it. Glucosamine is part of the cartilage, It gives it firmness, and elasticity. It is also found in the synovial fluid. Unfortunately, with age, the amount of glucosamine in the body decreases. The liquid becomes thinner and more watery. Cartilage malnourished and, Consequently, It becomes more susceptible to damage. In this way, adding glucosamine can help joints.

How does chondroitin?

In addition to collagen and elastin fibers, it fills the intercellular spaces of connective tissue, such as cartilage. It is also involved in the creation and regeneration of bones, since accelerates the absorption of calcium in their tissues. As is the case with glucosamine, the production of this substance in the body decreases with age.

Preparations with glucosamine

In pharmacies, they are more and more. All of them are available without a prescription. As with painkillers, most of them differ only in name, specified by the manufacturer. Some of them contain various additional substances in addition to glucosamine.

  • Drugs only with glucosamine:
    • Artreum,
    • Reumatrix,
    • Artresan.
  • complex preparations:
    • Atrozop (contains manganese and bosvellin), natural glucosamine (a drug, rich in manganese).

How to take the medication, so that the joints do not hurt

That fact, the drug available without a prescription, does not mean, that it can be taken without restrictions. Each of them have a brochure with important instructions, which must be strictly adhered to. You should also keep in mind other important rules.

  • You should not change to a different medication, even if you do not notice any significant improvements in the early days. To the drug earned, it should be used for a long time (sometimes even a week). Frequent changes in analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs also increase the risk of side effects.
  • You can not simultaneously use several painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. This creates a high risk of overdose.
  • Do not increase your dose or take it more often, than recommended. The drug will not strengthen its analgesic properties, but can cause side effects.
  • During the use of anti-inflammatory drugs is better not to take the matter (such as milk) that neutralize the hydrochloric acid.

Do not avoid doctor visits

Drugs do not cause harm to you, if they will be accepted only from time to time. If the pain and joints occur frequently, seek medical advice (rheumatologist or orthopedist). These symptoms indicate, that is already damaged cartilage. Only through proper treatment, you can stop the development of degenerative changes, maintain joint mobility and reduce pain. However, it should be Combination Therapy. drugs themselves, even prescribed by a physician, insufficiently. It is also necessary to perform appropriate exercises, They not only improve the joints, but also can significantly reduce the dose of painkillers.


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