How to make the site easier?

"If I had 3 o'clock, to cut down the tree, the first two hours I would sharpening an ax "

Abraham Lincoln

Website - this is one of the most important tools of online businessman, through which it promotes its own product in the market, collects the target audience, etc.. The site needs "as the air" each, who wants to make serious progress.

But, despite the awareness of this fact, many novice Internet - entrepreneurs is fixated on the phase of its creation: create it, then rework, then remove and re-create ... It takes plenty of precious time.

Why it happens? The main reason - there is no walkthrough to create a website, and inexperienced newcomer is difficult to anticipate the level of its functionality. Site creator knows about, what to do and does it, but does not get the desired result. If you are not confident in their abilities, you should not waste time, лучше доверить создание и разработку сайта специалистам It Lama – this best web studio in Kiev. They do not only develop, but also further support for Internet projects and sites of varying complexity, so you can more quickly achieve the desired results, than if you would do on their own website.

How to make the site easier?

The working site is not whimsical in design, but it should be as mobile, constantly updated, informative etc.. The ideal site for get on WordPress. Make it there quite simply, but we must be able to teach him to work well. That's the secret.

A website creation plan should look like this:

  1. Choosing a theme, which will be dedicated to site.
    • It is necessary to choose such a topic Site, which will be of interest to you.
  2. Think about the content site.
    • The better will be the content site, the higher will be its popularity. For a content site, you can use a variety of e-books, articles, reviews, their own conclusions.
  3. Come up with a domain name for your site.
    • It should be brief, reflect the essence of the project and, of course, easy to remember.
  4. Choose paid hosting company and register a domain name of the site.
    • For business Sait need to register its domain name on a paid hosting. In most cases, if you order the services of a paid hosting from 3 months and pay them, Domain registration is free of charge.
  5. Create a website on your computer.
    • This is the most crucial moment. First of all, here it is necessary to define, what type will treat your site (it will be a mini-site, regular site or portal site.)? How will you create it? Draw a diagram or picture of this site. And then proceed to its development. You can take a ready-made website template and set it up with the help of – or engine (eg, WordPress). This is done very quickly. And you do not have time to blink an eye,, as you will have your own website. It will only have to fill it with your content, adjust to your taste.
  6. To see your site on the Internet, so that they could enjoy, you need to download all the files to a paid hosting. For this you may need to download the program File Zilla FTP Client, or any other, her like. If you have downloaded the correct site hosting, enter the address into your browser, you will see your website on the Internet. If you do not see your site here, so, something you did wrong during the download and have to look for the cause.
  7. Check the operating status of the site. Are all open pages, Do all the links work, if all looks, as it was intended.

The site is easy to do, but do not need to rush.

Eventually: Ahead of upcoming events, I tell: You will be able to make a website, Even if you – very new. How to make the site easier – this learning into practice. Important, to self-awareness to keep up with events.

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