How to repair iPhone screen 7 and 7 Plus cheap?

statistical, iPhone will be damaged by 10 weeks after purchase. Some of the most common vulnerability relates to the screens, which are extremely sensitive part of the phone. В ответ на эти проблемы сервис “Month master” представил новую услугу, repair without replacing the display of the iPhone models – 7 and 7 Plus.

 iPhone repair in Ukraine

Реконструкция экрана iPhone – 7 and 7 Plus

Reconstruction , an alternative way to repair damaged screens, not so popular, as a replacement of the entire module. This method is more difficult to repair, but also a lot cheaper – to 50% . If the phone is only partially damaged, and the display works fine, it is worth considering a solution.

This method includes the division of the screen. Change only the damaged item, ie broken exterior glass. With this smartphone remains with the original display, specified by the manufacturer, which is especially important for high-quality screens, such as Retina HD for iPhone 7. This solution avoids the risk, that the new display will have a lower quality, that is inevitable in the case of frequently used substitutes.

Such services are not provided by all service centers. This is due to the high complexity of the entire process, which consists of several stages. First of all, the damaged part must be carefully separated. Then the remnants of glass and glue are removed, Further, the display is attached new polarizer. After the whole module is combined in a laminar press and installed in a respective pressure chamber. This avoids the formation of air bubbles and ensures the perfect connection of the individual elements. Reconstruction takes place on a specially designed equipment, and requires extreme precision.

Где заказать ремонт экрана iPhone 7 and 7 Plus?

You have a problem with your Apple hardware. Разбили экран своего новенького iPhone 7 Plus? Do not worry, everything will be fine … В сервисном центре “Month master” отремонтируют ваш смартфон без навязывания дополнительных услуг, узнать больше о ремонте iPhone 7 please visit or a representative of a service center for t: (097) 591-35-35.

"Ah yes Master" engineers work with all Apple models. If you have any problems with your equipment, not ryskuyte – contact them, they pomozhut in matters, associated with Apple repair, optimized operation or replacing components.

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