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Как очистить Windows от ненужных файлов – несколько советов для тех, who do not have enough space

As you clean Windows? И прежде всего – для чего это? До недавнего времени удаление ненужных файлов с компьютера казалось бессмысленной операцией – ведь на рынке доступны жесткие диски с емкостью более терабайта. but, increasing the operating system installed on a carrier with a much smaller capacity SSD, а под файлы используется жесткий диск HDD. Why? prosaic reason, and we have explained it in our manuals Replace HDD to SSD, shortly speaking, it comes to speed. SSD is several times faster, than the fastest HDD Hard Drive, which means faster start-up and operation of the system, as well as all the applications installed on the SSD carrier. Unfortunately, SSD media are much more expensive than traditional drives. For the price of terabyte hard drive SSD-drive capacity can buy no more than 128 GB. Result? After a while it may happen lack of space. There is a way to clean Windows properly enough.How to Clean Windows from unnecessary files - a few tips for those, who do not have enough space

We decided to clean your computer from dust? Do it right!

Многие задаются вопросом “That can be removed from drive C?”. The Internet is full of "great" tips, offering to remove "hidden" and "unnecessary" system files using a "secret" command, thus effectively increase the amount of free space on the system drive. Unfortunately, actions, described in such manuals, It is not always useful for the operating system. Yes, they can restore a few gigabytes of free space, but, on the other hand, often lead to the loss of some system functions and in extreme cases can lead to unstable PC or an inability to start the previously launched applications. To avoid such situations in our guide, we used the basic principle of "first, no harm ». To free up additional space on the C drive should start with simple actions, in most cases this is enough.

note! Приведенные ниже совет – если не указано иное – применяются ко всем обновленным версиям Windows, namely Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1. Windows XP has been deleted as obsolete system. We have also included a Windows 10, although it must be remembered, that this system is still in development.

Remove unneeded applications

Стоит начать очистку системного диска С с тривиальной вещи – удаление ненужных программ и приложений из системы. If you use your computer for a long time, space volume, used set, but unused programs, It can be unexpectedly large.

Самый простой способ удалить программы – использовать стандартный метод, that is, to use the system control panel and built-in module for the installed program management. В Windows 7 проще всего вызвать его нажав кнопку « Пуск» и введя в поиск фразу «Удалить программы». After the first few characters in the menu will display a link to the appropriate control panel module, далее выбираем левой кнопкой мыши ненужную программу и жмем “Удалить” см. pictured below.

В Windows 8.1 it is also, only here in input into the panel removal is done a little differently. Place the cursor in the lower right corner of the screen, to open the sidebar. click Settings, Further Control Panel (pictured below), etc. Remove Programs and remove the module fall (pictured above).

If windose ten and windose 8 Remove Programs to the same procedure. С Рабочего стола открываем значок “Мой компьютер”, в появившемся окне в панели меню нажимаем “Компьютер”, далее “Удалить или изменить программу” (cm. pictured below).

of course, the reduced volume of space is thus a purely individual matter, and it is difficult to predict anything, but because of his many years of experience I know, that on many computers failed to clear even a few tens of gigabytes of disk space.

Use safe and easy to clean

The next stage of action, which is a continuation phase to remove unneeded applications, It is to remove from your system disk C of all remnants of deleted programs, temporary files and other data, automatically collected by applications running on your computer. Удаление всех этих цифровых «отходов» вручную – задача не из легких, It takes a very good knowledge of the operating system and applications, working in it. Luckily, you do not have the IT skills. You can use the convenient GUI tools, eg, program cleanmgr.exe, built-in Windows ( disk Cleanup ), or more useful program called CCleaner.

To start the Disk Cleanup, it is best to call the "Run" dialog box ([Windows] + [R]), and then enter cleanmgr and press [Enter]. This is not the only way, but it will work in all versions of Windows (including Windows 10). If your PC has more disk partitions or HDD / SSD, you will first be asked to choose a drive to clean up. Of course, the system is usually denoted by the letter «C:».

After starting the application restarts, you need to specify the items you want to delete.

Below is a brief description of each element (hint: описания также отображаются непосредственно в окне « Очистка диска» в разделе « Описание » однако, After selecting a specific item in the list, some of the descriptions are too mysterious for "non-IT specialists", Consequently, Our supplement can come in handy. Besides, we provide the path to the folder, purified by select.

Highlighting the above options, I was able to release one "littered" computer friend 14 GB space. some, agree :)

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