As the car windows affect driving safety

Everybody knows, that the car should drive carefully, So, to avoid unnecessary risks to passengers and other road users. Our vehicles are regularly serviced, For obvious reasons, we assume, that winter tires should be replaced by winter, summer to summer, worn on the new. So why wind automobile glass should not be regarded as tires?

windscreen and visibility

Safety and car windshield

You must take care of their Autoglass. Изношенное ветровое стекло значительно уменьшает видимость и увеличивает тормозной путь. Новое ветровое стекло, which can be purchased on site, It can help you safely and comfortably control the car.

When you exchange your last?
see NICU? And when the last time you changed the windshield of his car? Maybe the time has come?

Why change windshield?

Your responsibility as a driver

Everybody knows, that the car should be driving, taking into account, to avoid unnecessary risks to passengers and other road users. Our vehicles are regularly serviced, For obvious reasons, we assume, that old tires should be replaced with new ones. So why windshields, we should not be regarded as tires?

Too often we forget, that the windshield of the car is constantly exposed to wind and rain, it wears out and needs to be replaced regularly. not infrequently, one windshield used for decades, until the stone off from under the wheels of oncoming cars or other more serious curiosity puts the driver before the fact, Without in any way been replaced. Look to your glass. Может и вам стоит позаботиться о себе и окружающих и buy a new car glass in the online store DK.IN.UA.

Worn-out windshield and reduces the appearance of dark

The more worn and scratched windshield, the poor visibility. While driving at night scratching on glass scatter lights approaching vehicles, blinding oncoming traffic drivers and impeding the timely detection of obstacles or invisible road.

Comfortable ride with better visibility

Any, who will change the windshield of the car to the new, will immediately notice a big difference. Visibility is clearly improved, and, probably, the best proof of this is a more comfortable driving, and not just your, но и встречных транспортных средств.


  • Visibility for the driver with greatly worn windscreen may be reduced by 15% when driving at night, than with the new windscreen.
  • The combination of a very worn-out windshield with reduced visibility means the loss of some 25% visibility.

Based on reported № 382 "Visibility of obstacles with worn windscreens" by the Swedish National Institute of Roads and Transport Research Sven-Olaf Lundvista and Gabriel Helmersa.

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