Final Fantasy XV game without secrets(but with a surprise)

We know the date of release, получили новые демонстративные видео и анонсы, and a dessert…

Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV это без всякого сомнения одна из самых ожидаемых игр этого года. In a lot of information was disclosed during the event organized by Square Enix on this RPG game, and the most important thing: date of release.

Final Fantasy XV premiere will take place 30 September 2016

This information was reported the company Square Enix. Ten years after the first announcement of the new Final Fantasy, finally, fall into the hands of players. A current list of target platforms contains only console PlayStation 4 и Xbox One. The advent of the computer version is not excluded, so you can still hope.

Feel the anticipation of Final Fantasy XV today

Square Enix team has released a new demo version of the game Final Fantasy XV. It is called the Platinum, Available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Players can during the game transform into young Noktisa. The developers say, that in this way want to allow players to see, как их новое произведение выглядит и работает.

the film will be released Kingsglaive and anime-based games

Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV - the name will carry a feature film, based on the plot of the game. Направлением займется Takeshi Nozue, long-term employee of Square Enix. Дистрибьютором будет является Sony Pictures, but should wait for the premiere of the summer, even before the market debut of the game. Фильм расскажет историю до событий происходящих в игре – мы увидим в нем Аарона Пола, Lena Hidi and Sean Bina.

Разработчики приготовили также серию аниме под названием Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV. Viewers learn about the history of, Noktis both became friends with the remaining trio of heroes. For a series of answers studio A-1 Pictures.

Два коллекционных издания Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV game will be available in three versions: standard and collector's edition two. The first of these - “Deluxe more” - cost 89,99 dollars, and in its composition, in addition to the game, will film Final Fantasy: Kingslaive и элементы для игры: Dress Royal Raiment, Weapon Masamune and painting car Platinum Leviathan.

for 269,99 dollars can be bought Ultimate edition. В дополнение к элементам Deluxe plus игрок получит 192-страничный альбом с концептуальными иллюстрациями в твердом переплете, additional books, anime Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV on disk, фигурку Ноктиса и набор предметов и средств для использования в игре.

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