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relationship stages: reconciliation and harmony

Этапы развития взаимоотношений между влюбленными

After crisis stage evaluation, if the partners could cope with it, phase should usually reconciliation, a desire to re-closer to each other, a sort of 'awakening'. There is a full acceptance of the second half, с теми качествами, who previously could seem incompatible.

From this point we begin to see our partner, as ourselves - imperfect, but make a sincere effort in the, to love and to create a close and successful alliance, while taking care of their own needs.

Стоит регулярно проводить оценку партнера, be attentive to the changes appearing in it. This applies to their preferences, ways of spending free time, and needs, aspirations and values. Due to this there is a chance to be with him, and at the same time, despite the time flies, notice, that the person next to us is an interesting.

Read more:

  1. relationship stages: romantic love
  2. relationship stages: adaptation to reality, to build friendships
  3. relationship stages: struggle for influence, the first argument
  4. relationship stages: evaluation
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