relationship stages: adaptation to reality, to build friendships

After the initial step, full of passion, because who wants to be next to each other and spend as much time, followed by a step of building intimacy - love each other, Create intimacy, affection and pleasure that state.

The clash with reality inevitably, a state of euphoria, associated with love will not last forever. Вполне возможно что это будет сложный момент, on which a person becomes aware of the reality. At this stage, как утверждает один из психологов экспертов сайта партнерам следует научиться справляться с предстоящими изменениями, conflicts and to act as a, I am an independent person. What is important is the ability to find compromises, So, that both sides were satisfied.

Сам момент когда человек входит в фазу дружеских отношений, usually, It is not described in books or films, but at the same time, this step is crucial for the quality and durability of relations. Putting effort into the preservation of intimacy in a relationship, while avoiding various conflicts, that arise, we can do so, that love will last forever.

This phase, which begin a real relationship without illusions, at this point comes true devotion and closeness.

Read more:

  1. relationship stages: romantic love
  2. relationship stages: struggle for influence, the first argument
  3. relationship stages: evaluation
  4. relationship stages: reconciliation and harmony
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