What to choose: AT bus or MT?

The car does not just wear the proud title of SUV, to the choice of rubber for him to be approached with great responsibility, the benefit of off-road tires in Orel presented in a huge range.

Four wheels with summer high-end rubber.

AT-class tires are versatile rubber, designed to drive not only on the asphalt, but the easy road. Tread them has an aggressive image, and the sidewalls are reinforced. For the manufacture of the AT tires used rubber mixture of the mid-market, but because during heavy frost, it becomes an oak, whereby the surface quality significantly deteriorates adhesion. Therefore, when choosing a rubber for your SUV is necessary to pay special attention to the composition used in the production of its rubber compound. For cold Russian winters need to give priority to buses, oriented winter operation. Зимняя подготовка внедорожников должна производиться еще задолго до наступления сильных морозов.

Behavior rubber AT-class road, having a solid coating, It can be described as good. true, they are not designed to drive at high speeds. Off-road tires such pasuyut. If we talk about the differences between AT tires, it is necessary to highlight the following points should be allocated:

  • longer stopping distance;
  • high rigidity of the tire;
  • tendency to hydroplaning because special pattern;
  • increased rolling resistance.

Also worth noting, that such tires noisier, if we compare it with the highway. And it happens because the characteristic pattern, applied to their protector.

MT tires are specially designed for off-road driving. They are similar to the "tractor" tread pattern, and equipped with lateral lugs. MT grade rubber over oak, than that of the first type, but because she behaves badly on the asphalt and ice. It is intended for driving on clay, wetlands, broken roads and tracks.

MT behavior of rubber on the road a lot worse, than the AT-rubber, since they are not suitable for high-speed driving on asphalt. Protector of the rough, Hard and sharp-toothed, It has a large distance between the elements, making traction in mud and weaker soil best.

Choosing tires for SUVs, worth considering, for some roads have to travel every day. If this is the main asphalt and off-road is slightly broken primer, enough tires class AT. If you often have to go on the hunt, fishing and travel, when it is difficult to predict the state of the road, it is worth paying attention to the MT-rubber. And if the wallet allows, buy just two sets of tires and rearrange them according to the purpose of the journey. AND, of course, you should not get round quality tire service in Orel, where all work will be done professionally and quickly.


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