What can replace halogen lamps in car headlights

Halogen lamps can be found in most car headlights. Usually, there are installed by the manufacturer. Currently, use halogen lamps brings more disadvantages than advantages. They spend too much energy, while their efficiency is rather low. Replacement of such lamps require special gloves, because sebum can destroy glass lamp housing. Galogenki give an unpleasant yellow light, which prevents adequate perception svitlovumu. So, they are durable, але рано чи пізно автомобілісту приходить в голову ідея замінити галогенове освітлення на щось інше. What can replace halogen lamps in car headlights

Now on the market there are more good solution – diode lamps. In diode lamps to halogen are many advantages. Example, longer life, several times larger compared to halogen, ie they can work a few years. Diode lamps consume far less power (therefore consumes less fuel), and light them closer to natural light. diode lamps shine brightly enough, and do not dazzle oncoming drivers eyes. Diode lenses fit most types of car headlights, if necessary, For more reliable fastening can use transitional frame. Another advantage – diode lenses can be used both for long-distance and low beam headlights. Switch between light is due to the special curtain. After start-emitting diode start to work immediately, ie no waiting 10 minutes until the lights start to shine normally.

In modern lenses diode driver is, which stabilizes the voltage of the machine, metal radiator and wire connection. Thanks to radiator, diode lenses virtually no heat. Structurally LED lens, this is the only mechanism, it is not necessary to disassemble the machine put in Faro. Another plus, emitting diode that is not forbidden to use the machine.

Despite the advantages listed, there are several disadvantages. First, this price. Cost diode elements slightly higher cost than halogen. Because the lights are not heated, The sides of the external lights namerzaye snow, and have more clean headlights. Subsequently diode lights gradually fade, and they need to change. And change always in pairs, since the difference in brightness old and new lamps would be too visible. Oddly enough, independently replaced by halogen dumps for quite a diode, in the presence of standard fasteners. These lamps can be used in conventional headlights, and in fog.

so, switch to LED lenses definitely worth, as they pluses than minuses more, and even if you do not like it you can always go back to the old lighting.

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  1. Кирилл

    well yes, умников уже и так много со светодиодными фарами. После таких статей, станет еще больше. Устанавливают эти лампочки во все подряд фары, а потом слепят встречных и попутных водителей. Мне кажеться надо запретить установку диодных ламп в автомобили, фары которых не оборудованны линзами. Сколько раз встречал на дороге таких вот умников. Ему то хорошо, светит ярко белым светом, а тебя слепит, tk. нет направленного луча, свет рассеивается во все стороны. Так и хочеться порой остановиться и сказать пару ласковых….

  2. Sergey

    Купив авто з галогенками, ближній, вот де повна ж…, коли переключаюсь то пока нагріються то хоч бери і ставай
