Brazilian coffee – from tree to store shelves

Brazil is one of the states, which have a wide variety of land and conditions for the growth of coffee. In addition, everything is ripening berries dospevayut simultaneously, and in other places on the same plant can have different ripening berries. The most popular varieties of coffee are: «Bourbon», "New Balls" and "Maragodžip". But in most cases, the grain is called not by tree species, and under the name of the send port or place of growth. For example, "Baja" or "Santos". Grade without impurities can be found very rarely, in most cases they are only available for selected buyers. Such coffee has identical, smooth and free of defects greenish grains, which varies during roasting on chocolate. From this raw material turns thick and rich liquor, in which there are floral and nutty notes and a mild flavor. This coffee is quite expensive, and find it is not so easy.Maragogype coffee

Organic coffee beans

Probably, each person know, that the coffee beans are collected from coffee trees. Currently there are more than seventy species of coffee trees, but the most popular are two types: robusta and arabica. Arabica – This arabian organic coffee beans, Robusta has a Congolese origin. There are also such product varieties, how Liberica and ekstselsa, but they have little popularity, so do not have a special meaning in the coffee market.

Coffee beans for coffee arabica has some differences from the Robusta, which is that, that it has a pleasant taste and aroma. Robusta, in turn, has a rather tart taste, due to a large percentage of caffeine as a part of. Due to this fact quite often can be found on store shelves are not one hundred percent coffee beans Arabica kg, represented as a mixture of two kinds of beverage in various percentages. In such mixtures obtained after brewing will be felt sourness and bitterness Arabica Robusta.

How to collect coffee

Already ripe coffee grain, buy at an affordable cost which is possible under this link, assembled by hand working in plantations or semi-automatic process can be used. If you made manual collection, already ripe coffee beans tear off the trees and gently settle in a specially made baskets. If carried out mechanical harvesting, then used a special pneumatic device, which is a little rocked tree, because of which the grain falls into a special tank. understandably, in this case the grain of coffee, It has debris, so on the spot carried out its cleaning. Grain coffee manual assembly has the highest cost, compared to the, which was collected mechanisms.

After harvesting coffee beans supplied to special wiping device, which gently removes the pulp having a grain. grains, which have already been cleansed by the flesh, for some time placed in special tanks, wherein the process is carried out their fermentation, thereby decompose the remaining pulp. Further, grain coffee, the price of which is available on the website of online store “MirKofe”, subjected to washing and obsushivaniya. During the drying of grains most importantly it does not dry up their.

Coffee beans - roast

The next stage of the grain processing is their grilling. Currently, you can safely allocate such roast:

  • dark power, as a result of which the product is obtained sredneobzharenny;
  • light power, as a result of which it turns svetloobzharenny coffee beans.

There is also a very dark roast beans. The variety of work done will depend directly on palatability, density and impact of coffee per person. If you wish buy coffee beans, you can visit the online shop “world Coffee” or call t: +375(29)2-974-974.

note! Effect of the beverage on the human body depends on, H -metilpirida the quantity contained in the coffee beans. This material makes it possible not to give an excessive amount generated in gastric juice, that does not cause heartburn. Such substances can be detected only in a coffee beans, which was high or average degree of roasting. Moment is important for those people, who are experiencing problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Coffee beans - the raw material grinding degree

Currently, the coffee beans to the coffee machine differs depending on, what degree of grinding it passed. understandably, that from what degree of grinding was coffee grain, will directly depend on the time of its preparation. So there are three degrees of grinding coffee beans:

  • organic coffee beans, meal. Such raw coffee beans obtained by grinding in an electric coffee grinder just over ten seconds. Yielding elements of about 0,8 millimeters. Drink from this raw material to cook for 7-8 minutes.
  • coffee beans middle ground. For, to receive such materials, you need to grind coffee beans on the continuation of the thirteen seconds. Such kind of coffee is the universal, so it is possible to prepare a variety of ways. This fact often enough influence on the decision of people, who learned about it say : 'I buy coffee beans is such a grind ";
  • coffee beans finely ground. understandably, that in order, to obtain the necessary quantities of grains, necessary to carry out the grinding process is much longer, about twenty seconds. Drink from such raw materials prepared in special coffee machines with filter for four minutes. you must say, that coffee grain after the passage of the grinding much longer retains its flavor and taste.
  • ultrafine grinding coffee. In this process of grinding coffee beans, buy is not a problem these days, peremalыvaetsya in flour. Prepare a drink from such raw materials in special Turks.

Must also say, that depending on the degree of grinding will be different and the price of coffee grain. But to decide which to buy coffee grain, and what you need to grind.

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