Apple: Column HomePod stain furniture, and that's fine – According to the manufacturer

In the network there are more details, as well as the accompanying photos, confirming, that Apple HomePod leaves white marks on the wood. Производитель же не видит в этом ничего страшного.

wireless speakers spoils the furniture

Apple HomePod не приобрела еще большой популярности, беспроводная колонка только поступает в продажу в нескольких странах. In spite of this, manufacturer now has to be justified because there was a first problem, which asked users. And last actually have a reason to complain. It turns out that Apple HomePod spoils the appearance of wood furniture. In the network appeared information, as well as the accompanying photos, confirming, that Apple HomePod leaves white marks on the wood, Told portal

Scale deterioration of wood depends on, каким методом обработана мебель. The manufacturer confirmed, that such situations may occur, but he does not care. According to an official statement, published by vibration wireless speakers may occur backfire. It turns out the user must foresee the consequences and take appropriate action, e.g. podsteliv something under the column.

Wireless speaker Apple HomePod spoils furniture leaving a white spot. A photo

Not hard to guess that the manufacturer is not even going to create a suitable base for his column, so users will have to include savvy.

It is worth noting, that many stores quickly find that what, и выставили на продажу соответствующие подставки для Apple HomePod.

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