Battlefield 5 subtitled Eastern Front means war in the east of Europe?

According to the latest leaked information, in the game Battlefield 5 will be conflict in a well-known part of the world.

A new series of the game Battlefield, It is written quite a lot, although all the time it was only about unofficial messages. The most optimistic of information for many players was the fact, players will be able to go back to the days of World War II. but it seems, none of this, не сбудется.

Latest news, it seems, all deny. In the network laid out photographs of documents, allegedly owned by EA. What one learns?

Battlefield 5 будет иметь подзаголовок Eastern Front. This suggests that the plot of the game will include a military conflict on the territory of Eastern Europe. В роли агрессора естественно будет выступать Россия, and among countries, which require protection, Lithuania will, Latvia, Estonia, as well as Ukraine.

As you noticed, from the received information should, that the official announcement will take place 12 June. If we are talking about the premiere, it refers to the December. Судя по всему такая игра будет иметь большой спрос в странах восточной Европы. А как вы отреагировали бы на игру Battlefield 5: Eastern Front? Would you have played in it?

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