Vehicle Nissan warn dehydration

Driver dehydration has a low priority and a long reaction time, is comparable to, as if he was drunk.

Ученые из британского Loughborough University доказали в 2015 year, that the driver suffers from dehydration can be just as dangerous on the road, as well as the driver is under the influence of alcohol. his reaction time is longer, and attention - less. Учтя эту новость инженеры из компании Nissan создали специальный материал, which in the case of dehydration makes it clear, that the driver needs to drink water.

Автомобильный гигант из Японии уже неоднократно удивлял нас необычными идеями, and dehydration of the driver and all by surprise. According to the manufacturer, специальным материалом будут покрыты кресло водителя и руль. Если „водитель” здоров, material will retain its natural color, but when the sweat demonstrates the problem, seat or steering wheel to quickly change color to yellow.

The idea of ​​dehydration is not new, об этом заявил портал At the time, the initiator was Paul Routs, though he would like to apply to tracksuits. What, Nissan опередил его дав новинке свет раньше инициатора. It remains only to find out how many drivers will choose the material as an option. And you ordered this option for yourself? Answers are leaving comments.

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