And your autonomous car has already passed the driving test?

The question contained in the title may sound ridiculous, but scientists from the University of Michigan, actually claim, that autonomous cars must pass a driving test just like humans do to be able to drive on the road. photo car autonomous

Scientists pay attention to, that most driving tests test three aspects of road readiness - visual skills, knowledge of rules and regulations, as well as psychomotor abilities, travel related. According to them,, autonomous cars must also prove, that they meet the requirements of these 3 questions.

As well, like inexperienced drivers, so autonomous cars can learn how to drive efficiently. Experience, obtained under the same conditions, can be used in other. Therefore, autonomous vehicles must have “with your shoulders” many trials, before they get “rights”.

Scientists from Michigan also argue, that the law of motion for autonomous vehicles must have different categories. If the manufacturer knows, eg, that his car performs well in various conditions, except for the night, must be able to apply for a driver's license, limited in the specified direction. If over time the manufacturer prepares a software update, his car can, take a re-examination.

purpose – improving road safety.

What do you think of it? Do you agree with scientists from Michigan?

A source: Wireless Design Mag


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