Vive VR-headset will be available in April 2016 year

In the market of virtual reality such situation, that in the palm fight three sets. First - Oculus Rift, owned by Facebook, another - PlayStation VR, Sony engineers created, and the third - Vive from HTC and Valve. All three headsets, judging by the statements of developers, should go on sale in the first half 2016 year, but none to date have not identified the exact date of release. Noise first decided to break the company HTC.


The official HTC blog issued a statement, in which the company appealed directly to developers, creating software for future VR-headset:

"Since the announcement of HTC Vive suites we have focused on developing content for it, simultaneously improving specifications, design, convenience, and establishing contacts with new partners in the gaming industry. Early 2016 , we will send application developers 7000 headset. Commercial launch is scheduled for April Vive 2016 year ".

What, If Vive will be available in April, Sony is marketing and Facebook will try to keep up with its rival. Sony representatives have repeatedly stated, that the launch of PlayStation VR is scheduled for the first half 2016 year. As for Facebook from their headset, they are repeatedly transferred release Oculus Rift, to postpone it again. Losing a piece of the market now will be for them a serious strategic mistake.

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