wine typology

Wines can be divided into several categories depending on the criteria adopted. After reading this article you will learn what are their key differences.

Sugar content wine divided into:

  • dry and semi-dry,
  • semi-sweet and sweet.

The first pair of these are, in which the tremors digested all the sugar found in the grapes during harvest (and possibly also added). Вторую пару составляют вина содержащие остаточный сахар (usually higher 10 g / l).

in color, Wine can be divided into white, pink and red. It is worth remembering, that white wine can also be done from red grapes, условием является отделение мякоти ягод от шкуры до процесса мацерации.


Wines are divided into still and sparkling. Последние могут появиться в результате применения традиционных методов изготовления, брожения в герметически закрытых кадках или при насыщении вина диоксидом углерода(method is used only for the intermediate type of wine).

champagne same, это игристое вино изготавливаемое только в Шампани во Франции, as a result of secondary fermentation in the bottle. Italy sparkling wine spumante call, в Германии – sects, in many areas of France used mousseux name(sparkling) or cr?mant(cream).

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