Tesla has radar, который предвещает столкновения

Tesla Motors cars were equipped with radar, который предвещает столкновения. Effectiveness is confirmed in practice.

Tesla has radar, который предвещает столкновения

To ensure the safety of drivers and passengers cars the autopilot should constantly analyze your surroundings, as well as to predict what will happen in the next second,. Tesla passed this exam.

During the October conference company Tesla Motors announced, that all new cars, except the cameras are equipped with radar, which is able to "see" through fog, rain, dust, и даже автомобиль едущий перед вами. Многие люди были удивлены эффективностью этой системы.

The network has a video from the DVR, находящегося в управляемой тесле на голландской автомагистрали А2. The video clearly shows, the car a second before the collision he foresaw and included brakes in safe mode.

Elon Mask, certainly has cause for satisfaction. The good news also is that, in a crash no one was seriously injured, despite, that she looked quite menacing.

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