Methods for purification of oil spilled

There are several methods used for the assembly of oil spilled. Methods used in particular leak depend partly on the size and conditions. large spills, which occur near the coastline more problematic because of their impact on people and nature, because coastal ecosystems are more sensitive, than in deep water.


natural dispersal

With a small oil spill in deep water offshore, Nature itself can take care of most of the work on water purification. currents, waves, wind and sun, cleave the mass to a level at which the oil will not be a lot of damage.

Of course, oil spills in the oceans should be avoided, because even a small amount of leaked off the coast requires immediate intervention for water purification. Even a small amount of oil contamination is a, therefore it is necessary to avoid such cases, so as not to have to use skimmer.

Collection of oil skimmers


Нефтесборщики как правило применяются в воде чтобы предотвратить распространение нефти в море. After bottling special filters may be used for collecting oil from the surface. Насосы откачают нефть в цистерны или другие резервуары.



В случае утечки нефти у прибрежной территории нередко волны выбрасывают нефть на берег, from which it is difficult to remove. Oil is then lowered onto the bottom and the bank of coastal. Over time, it can break up naturally, but it will be years. In order to speed up the natural decay of oil dispersants used. They can bring damage to the coastal zone ecosystem and underwater animals, but as they say we have to choose one of the lesser evils.

biological factors

Oil eventually decomposes. This biodegradation caused by bacteria and microorganisms, which decompose to harmless components oil. The addition of phosphorus and nitrogen to completion field causes fertilizer effect, which speeds up the production of these microorganisms and accelerates the biodegradation process. This can be done in coastal areas, including along the beaches, where the oil is on land covered by waves.


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