Alarm with auto start: comfortable and safe

Alarm with auto start - an option with high comfort. This anti-theft system allows you to remotely start the engine, as well as other vehicle systems. Technically, the function is realized through the key fob or a timer. Received from their command triggers a starter without ignition. If successful, the engine is turned on flashing warning lights cars, and the starter motor is disengaged.

protection from car theft

Key advantages of the device

Car alarm with auto start, compared with other anti-theft systems, It is relatively inexpensive, but it has a substantially greater advantages. These include:

  • eliminating difficulties with starting the engine in the cold days;
  • exception discomfort of being in a cold cabin in the winter and hot - summer;
  • saving precious time to prepare cars for the trip.

All settings are easily carried out on the key fob. A variety of types of alarms with auto enable to choose the desired device for your type of car.

Possible options for startup

Remote engine starting is possible when the vehicle is at a distance 500 m. Advanced models can pick up the signal even with 2 km. Advanced signaling capability list may include autostart:

  • on engine temperature. Its switch occurs at lower setpoints;
  • timer. Set the time interval for the periodic switching of the motor and the duration of his work.

In addition to the security functions of the vehicle against theft and remote engine plant has alarm with auto start, who can manage:

  • windows;
  • central locking;
  • opening / closing trunk;
  • on / off lighting in the cabin and other.

Some models can diagnose the cause of failure of the motor switching. Additional features significantly increase the cost of the alarm.

Nuances selection device

In addition to taking into account the desired comfort and a set of functions in the selection of protective device must be taken into account parameters such cars, as:

  • engine's type. For petrol and diesel units are suitable for various models;
  • transmission operating principle. For the mechanics and the machine has its own characteristics;
  • the presence of turbocharging.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the packaging device and a method of encoding a signal. GSM module - the most reliable option. Treated them information is transmitted to the vehicle smartfonvladeltsa.

Correct installation - the basis of safety

Anti-theft device auto-adapted to control the operation of the machine and its safety, effective functioning depend on it. To install the device sensibly, requires certain knowledge and skills. Incorrectly work may lead to failure to trip the security device. Therefore, should only apply to the experts.

When starting the engine with the protection of the vehicle is not removed. In time switched off a number of sensors, but when an alarm signal motor stops working and all appliances included. Car alarm with auto start - a sure way to make the car reliable protection, and its operation comfort.

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