record – Apple should pay 13 billion euros of overdue taxes

Thanks to agreements with the Government of Ireland, Apple избегала уплаты налогов в должном размере.

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Налоги это проблема для всех нас. They do not like them as large companies – exception is not, and Apple. The problem is that, in her case, illegal methods were used.

Еврокомиссия уже на протяжении почти трех десятилетий вела против Apple соответствующее расследование и как раз сегодня были представлены ее результаты. It turns out, that Apple, I found an effective niche, by which avoided the payment required by the legislation of the EU tax. things look blue, потому что в данном случае речь идет о 13 billion, although given the interest, in the end, can talk about to 19 billion.

The above amount Apple will have to pay because here we are talking about a record value. And help her to avoid paying taxes due no one other than the Government of Ireland. Why? It is concluded(at 1991 and 2007) agreement with Apple, on the basis of which the US company could avoid paying taxes. So with everyone she earned millions of underpaid 500 euro.

"Member States may not grant privileges to selected companies. This is contrary to the European principles of state aid. The investigation of the Commission showed, that Ireland has illegally granted tax breaks for Apple, which allowed the company to deviate from the payment of taxes in the proper size for many years, ie it paid lower taxes, than other companies ". – сказала Margaret Vestager, European Commissioner for Competition.

At this point should be clarified, that is not no question of punishment, а лишь о неоплаченных налогах. Как Apple, and the Irish Government does not agree with the conclusions of the European Commission, and it is easy to guess, promise must answer.

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