Advantages of the circulating pump

Independent heating remains in demand as in the old, and in new homes. Its main characteristics - a high performance and cost-effectiveness in comparison with centralized. but, to get the maximum benefit from its installation, should invest in a circulation pump.

What is the circulation pump

Circulation pump for heating - it is one of the most important elements of home heating system. Thanks to him, the water from the boiler flows into the battery quickly. Its main task is to ensure the passage of water through the system all. Modern units are light enough and compact, so for them they do not need a lot of space. They also silent, They do not need maintenance, and most importantly - to consume little energy.


meet the needs

Due to the circulation pump energy can significantly reduce the amount of accounts, involving the use of electricity. The devices are designed so, that their work meets the real parameters of the heating system. Modern pumps also have a function of reduced working hours at night, automatically setting the minimum number of revolutions.


Due to the possibility of regulating, energy-efficient pumps can be used in older heating systems, and the new - from small diameter tubes and thermostatic valves. Even without replacing the entire system, you can install a special Pump, allowing to increase its thermal conductivity.

In modern heating systems, the installation of the circulation pump is already considered at the design stage. This eliminates the need to use large sections of pipe, whereby the need for heating less water. Consequently, Heat losses are also reduced.

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